Am 11.07.19 um 20:43 schrieb E.S. Rosenberg:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to build the gpodder package with the SDK and am
> experiencing 2 issues that I haven't managed to solve yet.
> 1. The package that gets built includes python bytecode files (*.pyc
> and *.pyo)
> 2. The package is architecture specific instead of "noarch"
As said in IRC, you have to specify this in the .spec file.
> I took the original gpodder and I added a .pro file so that the SDK
> can work with it and removed the rpm spec file which the SDK wants to
> autogenerate based on the .pro and the .yaml files as far as I understand.
If gpodder is a cmake-based project, you should can/should use .spec
> Any help on how to fix the two above issues would be welcome.
> Also does harbour accept mpris now or does the fact that the SDK
> screams about that mean I have no chance of updating?
Harbour still doesn't allow mpris.
> Thanks,
> Eli
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