Am 11.07.19 um 20:59 schrieb E.S. Rosenberg:
> Op do 11 jul. 2019 om 21:51 schreef Oskar Roesler via Devel
> < <>>:
>     Am 11.07.19 um 20:43 schrieb E.S. Rosenberg:
>>     Hi all,
>>     I'm trying to build the gpodder package with the SDK and am
>>     experiencing 2 issues that I haven't managed to solve yet.
>>     1. The package that gets built includes python bytecode files
>>     (*.pyc and *.pyo)
>>     2. The package is architecture specific instead of "noarch"
>     As said in IRC, you have to specify this in the .spec file.
> Thanks, IRC was running on my aptop so I missed that :)
> I'll continue to monitor there for now.
>>     I took the original gpodder and I added a .pro file so that the
>>     SDK can work with it and removed the rpm spec file which the SDK
>>     wants to autogenerate based on the .pro and the .yaml files as
>>     far as I understand.
>     If gpodder is a cmake-based project, you should can/should use
>     .spec directly.
> I'm trying to make gpodder-sailfish build from the SDK, until now it
> was being built by SSH'ing into the buildenv and manually building,
> though that of course works I feel that it is a significant barrier to
> convenient and quick development.
Many projects work like that, cause not everyone likes QtCreator. And of
course, if you don't want qmake, you're forced to do that. In the end,
it's up to you.
> Strictly speaking it doesn't need any form of make, just a bunch of cp
> commands to copy the right files to the right locations.
>>     Any help on how to fix the two above issues would be welcome.
>>     Also does harbour accept mpris now or does the fact that the SDK
>>     screams about that mean I have no chance of updating?
>     Harbour still doesn't allow mpris.
> :/ Oh well openrepos it is then.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Eli
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