Tone Kastlunger wrote:

> ....and me again;
> it appears the PC Suite plugin is marked as EXPERIMENTAL on the make
> files; needless to say, this EXPERIMENTAL option is not enabled by the
> configure of the bluez5 project.

Cool! thank you for researching and in the sense sharing some work.
Unfortunately it got too late. I am looking forward to investigate all
options. From what you write it seems that a closer look at the obex code
needs to be taken.

Regarding your comment on OBEX File Transfer. I am not sure if this is
really needed. Fact is that it is missing :) and I can not copy files via

I now looked at and
it says sdptool search --bdaddr ${BtAddress} SYNCML should find a client.

If interested have a look at "Usage Models"

"With OBEX (Bluetooth, USB, IrDA), the roles are reversed. The user controls
the SyncML server on the "smart" device (PC, netbook) and asks it to
contact the "dumb" device (phone)." 

So perhaps it is doing the right thing trying to connect the client on the
phone. I may need to have a closer look at the client then.

and here:
    SyncML can synchronize phonebooks, calendars, notes, and other data. In
its OBEX binding, the target of the CONNECT object is
{'S', 'Y', 'N', 'C', 'M', 'L', '-', 'S', 'Y', 'N', 'C'}; a session then
consists in a sequence of PUT-GET pairs where nameless XML or WBXML files
are sent and received, in turn.

very interesting 


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