Tone Kastlunger wrote:

> PS found this one :

Yes I read this. It is history and it is outdated as of "Sync with
libsyncml". Libsyncml does not exist anymore (it died may be 6-7y ago), but
it has good information. This is why I use syncevolution, which uses

You can also read and follow the links here:

> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 9:42 PM Tone Kastlunger
> <> wrote:
>> About the syncmlserver;
>> which command line options have you used?

syncmlserver is started from msyncd as the server is a plugin.
As mentioned before there is branch with calendar, but the server/client are
written for bluez4.

In Nokia N9 there is "Sync & Backup". If you select "Sync", you can set up
profile synchronization over BT to another device. Have you seen this?
Unfortunately in Sailfish it is only "Backup". The synchronization
interface (two-way conflict resolution etc.) in the accounts, I am
wondering where one would put the interface for bluetooth based sync
initiated from the phone. Are you interested in looking into that? 
It is in clientplugins/syncmlclient/xml/ I think. The thing is that for my
use case I need the server side, but if you want to do a sync from the
phone you would use the client plugin - at least this is my understanding
for now. So there would be a second part in this project to start a sync
from this phone to another acting as client. This would be interesting.


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