
I am pleased to report success in running a generated Sailfish app in the Qt Creator debugger.

As my phone was offering me a further update to, I decided to take advantage of that update. Of course, I then needed to download the SDK, and set up the kits for Qt Creator to use that SDK by default.

It seems my latest problems were due to my not understanding how the deployment should be specified. I changed this, under Project / Run Settings, from manual to automatically deploying as an rpm, and also on the same page ensured my Run configuration was set to be the device and not the emulator.

The first time I deployed and ran the debugger, it gave me a message, saying I needed to add a couple of lines to the .pro file to specify the installation path for the target. I did so, and then the debugger ran as far as the breakpoint I had set in main(). When I hit Continue, I saw the amusing "Hello Sailors" screen on my Jolla phone, so now it seems I am fully set up to build and debug apps.

Thanks for the advice given. I did not need the make any changes regarding i.p. addresses, but if that had been the issue, your comments would have been extremely useful,



------ Original Message ------
From: "deloptes" <delop...@gmail.com>
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Sent: 24/07/2019 09:32:43
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Question about connecting a Sailfish phone to Ubuntu Linux box

Sahlan wrote:


 I take the point that in this situation all bets are off, so it looks
 like I'll have to change the i.p. addresses on my network of development
 machines and development VMs. An inconvenience, but at least it's only a
 one-off change,

Is it not  easier to change the IP on the Sailfish phone instead of changing
the addresses on the dev network and/or plug a stupid USB cable?
Do you have an idea how networking works? I have the impression you are
missing some fundamentals like routing for example.

You can not have two gateways in the same work. Therefore set the USB IP to
something else. I give you an example of my use case.
I have one Xperia X for work and one for testing. If both are configured to
use (IP .15 and .16 for example) the USB driver is confused.
I can use whichever phone I can plugin first.
But if I setup same IP on different network for example and all is working fine.
This is because the USB driver would provide the GW for each network.


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