On together.jolla.com sashikknox suggested that the problem is that there
are no public 3.1 repositories yet thus no packages are available to the
SDK and software that has dependencies fails to build.

Op do 1 aug. 2019 om 10:20 schreef deloptes <delop...@gmail.com>:

> Lukáš Karas wrote:
> > Forwarding reply from Bird Zhang to the maling list... After "downgrade"
> > target to previous build number application building works again.
> >
> > sb2 -t SailfishOS- -m sdk-install -R ssu re
> So is mce supported, cause I read it will be dropped and I would not be
> able
> to have double tap to unlock the screen.
> I know this is not a question for the list, but hence it was mentioned can
> someone answer?
> thank you and regards
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