On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 5:52 PM, Milan Zamazal <mzama...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Yaniv Bronheim <ybron...@redhat.com> writes:
>> If in debian we will have different set of rpms for vdsm, can you
>> please also add section about how to build and install vdsm over
>> debian in https://www.ovirt.org/Vdsm_Developers ?
> Sure, I'm going to update Debian information on Wiki (as well as to
> announce it on the mailing lists) once all the packages are in Debian
> and (basically) working.
> FYI, cpopen, pthreading, ioprocess, and MoM are already in Debian
> unstable.  I work on safelease

Note that safeelase requires several packages which are *not* required
for safelease, but for vdsm.

Currently vdsm is noarch rpm, so it cannot require arch specific packages.
since it requires safelease, we added arch specific packages to safelease.

This is a ugly hack, and more important, may be incompatible with the
packaging rules for the platform. Nobody from Fedora complained about it
so far, but Debian packagers may be more strict about this.
See https://gerrit.ovirt.org/43096

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