On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 12:08:16PM +0200, Nir Soffer wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Piotr Kliczewski
> <piotr.kliczew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 5:02 PM, Milan Zamazal <mzama...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >> I work on inclusion of Vdsm into Debian.  I don't know what are the
> >> reasons for having separate `infra', `xmlrpc', `yajsonrpc', and
> >> `jsonrpc' packages.
> >>
> >
> > - infra package contains infra related modules like zombiereaper,
> > sygutils (core infra utils)
> There is no technical reason to have this package, it should be merge
> into vdsm-python.

+1. Everything that is not storage, virt, gluster or network, is "infra"
by definition.

> > - xmlrpc package contains xmlrpc binding code (optional and can be
> > disabled in config.py)
> >   this package will be removed once we decide to drop xmlrpc
> Hopefully we can drop this after 4.0
> > - jsonrpc package contains jsonrpc binding code (optional and can be
> > disabled in config.py)
> >   this package is required to process jsonrpc based rpc calls
> This is not optional in 3.6, there is no reason to have it as separate
> package,  should be
> merged into vdsm-python.
> > - yajsonrpc package contains stomp related server side code (required for 
> > rpc)
> Same, no reason to have this as separate package, should be merge into
> vdsm-python
> > - api package contains vdsm and gluster (optionally) schemas and code
> > to process them
> >   used for rpc validation required by jsonrpc
> This package may be needed by vdsm clients, so it should be a separate 
> package.
> We have too many packages, which make installation and upgrade harder
> for no reason.
> Lets simplify packaging for 4.0.
> We require the same version of all vdsm-xxx packages - upgrading only
> one package is
> not supported or tested.
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