On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 07:26:55PM +0200, Nir Soffer wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:29 PM, Yaniv Dary <yd...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > I suggest for ease of use and tracking we change the versioning to align to
> > the engine (4.0.0 in oVirt 4.0 GA) to make it easy to know which version was
> > in which release and also change the package naming to something like
> > ovirt-host-manager\ovirt-host-agent.
> When we think about the names, we should consider all the components
> installed or running on the host. Here is the current names and future 
> options:
> Current names:
> vdsmd
> supervdsmd
> vdsm-tool
> vdsClient
> (we have also two hosted engine daemons, I don't remember the names)
> Here are some options in no particular order to name these components:
> Alt 1:
> ovirt-hypervisor
> ovirt-hypervisor-helper
> ovirt-hypervisor-tool
> ovirt-hyperviosr-cli

This (IMHO) limits it to virtualisation. It'd be surprised if a
hypervisor was only a storage node. Docker containers would be excluded
as well.

> Alt 2:
> ovirt-host
> ovirt-host-helper
> ovirt-host-tool
> ovirt-host-cli

Might make sense

> Alt 3:
> ovirt-agent
> ovirt-agent-helper
> ovirt-agent-tool
> ovirt-agent-cli

Mentioned before by Sven - too similar to ovirt-guest-agent.
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