On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Martin Polednik <mpoled...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 27/01/16 09:53 +0200, Nir Soffer wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:29 PM, Yaniv Dary <yd...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> I suggest for ease of use and tracking we change the versioning to
>>>>> align to
>>>>> the engine (4.0.0 in oVirt 4.0 GA) to make it easy to know which
>>>>> version was
>>>>> in which release and also change the package naming to something like
>>>>> ovirt-host-manager\ovirt-host-agent.
>>>> When we think about the names, we should consider all the components
>>>> installed or running on the host. Here is the current names and future
>>>> options:
>>>> Current names:
>>>> vdsmd
>>>> supervdsmd
>>>> vdsm-tool
>>>> vdsClient
>>>> (we have also two hosted engine daemons, I don't remember the names)
>>>> Here are some options in no particular order to name these components:
>>>> Alt 1:
>>>> ovirt-hypervisor
>>>> ovirt-hypervisor-helper
>>>> ovirt-hypervisor-tool
>>>> ovirt-hyperviosr-cli

This might cause confusion with node.

>>>> Alt 2:
>>> Not sure it's that important. Still, how about:
>>>> ovirt-host
>>> ovirt-hostd
>> I like this
>>>> ovirt-host-helper
>>> ovirt-priv-hostd
>> How about ovirt-privd?
>> I like short names.
>>>> ovirt-host-tool
>>> ovirt-hostd-tool
>>>> ovirt-host-cli
>>> ovirt-hostd-cli
>> I think we should use the example of systemd:
>> systemd
>> systemctl
>> So ovirt-hostd, ovirt-hostctl ovirt-hostcli
> I'd even suggest going simply with ovirtd and ovirtctl (maybe
> ovirtdctl to differentiate ovirt, ovirtd and ovirt-engine).

I'd definetly not go with plain ovirtd - this is to generic IMHO.
ovirthostd might be more suitable …

> Names like ovirt-host-agent possibly introduce abbreviation
> clashes - we would most likely end up abbreviating host-agent to HA
> and that could be mistaken for high availability in discussions.

… ovirt-host-agent actually sounds pretty good.

- fabian

>>> Also we should get rid of '/rhev/' in start of mount points IMO. How
>>> about '/var/lib/ovirt-hostd/mounts/' or something like that?
>> We want to use /run/ovirt-host/storage/ for that, but this is hard change,
>> since it breaks migration to from hosts using different vdsm versions.
>> New vms expect the disks at /rhev/data-center and old vms at
>> /rhev/data-center/
>> Maybe we can change disks path during migartion on the destination, but
>> migrating vms to older hosts will be impossible, as the vdsm on the older
>> machine does not support such manipulation.
>> Nir
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Fabian Deutsch <fdeut...@redhat.com>
RHEV Hypervisor
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