On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 9:58 AM Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Tried yesterday to deploy hosted-engine on current master snapshot, it
> failed during host-deploy. host-deploy log ends with:
> 2020-01-27 15:25:11 IST - TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-vdsm : Reconfigure vdsm
> tool] **************************
> /var/log/messages on the host has:
> Jan 27 15:25:24 didi-centos8-host python3[12352]: detected unhandled
> Python exception in '/usr/bin/vdsm-tool'
> /var/log/httpd/ansible_runner_error_log on the engine has (I have to get
> used to searching there, grepped all of /var/log to find it):
> [Mon Jan 27 15:25:25.692397 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 30029]
> cb_event_handler event_data={u'event': u'runner_on_failed', u'uuid':
> u'874e5fcc-12e8-419c-b010-d958adfc4aec', 'stdout': u'fatal: [d
> idi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com]: FAILED! => {"changed": true,
> "cmd": "vdsm-tool configure --force", "delta": "0:00:15.833532", "end":
> "2020-01-27 15:25:25.296212", "msg": "non-zero
>  return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2020-01-27 15:25:09.462680", "stderr":
> "Error:  Traceback (most recent call last):\\\\n  File
> \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 209, in main\\\\n    return
>  tool_command[cmd][\\\\"command\\\\"](*args)\\\\n  File
> \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/__init__.py\\\\", line 40,
> in wrapper\\\\n    func(*args, **kwargs)\\\\n  File \\\\"/u
> sr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/configurator.py\\\\", line 149,
> in configure\\\\n    service.service_start(s)\\\\n  File
> \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/service.py\\
> \\", line 193, in service_start\\\\n    return _runAlts(_srvStartAlts,
> srvName)\\\\n  File
> \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/service.py\\\\", line 172,
> in _runAlts\\\\n    \\\\
> "%s failed\\\\" % alt.__name__, out,
> err)\\\\nvdsm.tool.service.ServiceOperationError: <exception str()
> failed>\\\\n\\\\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception
> occurred:\\
> \\n\\\\nTraceback (most recent call last):\\\\n  File
> \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 224, in <module>\\\\n
>  sys.exit(main())\\\\n  File \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 214, in
> main\
> \\\n    print(\\'Error: \\', e, \\'\\\\\\\\n\\', file=sys.stderr)\\\\n
>  File \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/service.py\\\\", line
> 75, in __str__\\\\n    return \\'\\\\\\\\n\
> \'.join(s)\\\\nTypeError: sequence item 1: expected str instance, bytes
> found", "stderr_lines": ["Error:  Traceback (most recent call last):", "
>  File \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 209,
>  in main", "    return tool_command[cmd][\\\\"command\\\\"](*args)", "
>  File \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/__init__.py\\\\",
> line 40, in wrapper", "    func(*args, **kwargs
> )", "  File
> \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/configurator.py\\\\", line
> 149, in configure", "    service.service_start(s)", "  File
> \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/
> tool/service.py\\\\", line 193, in service_start", "    return
> _runAlts(_srvStartAlts, srvName)", "  File
> \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/service.py\\\\", line 172,
> in _runAl
> ts", "    \\\\"%s failed\\\\" % alt.__name__, out, err)",
> "vdsm.tool.service.ServiceOperationError: <exception str() failed>", "",
> "During handling of the above exception, another exception
> occurred:", "", "Traceback (most recent call last):", "  File
> \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 224, in <module>", "
>  sys.exit(main())", "  File \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 214, in
>  main", "    print(\\'Error: \\', e, \\'\\\\\\\\n\\', file=sys.stderr)", "
>  File \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/service.py\\\\", line
> 75, in __str__", "    return \\'\\\\\\\
> \n\\'.join(s)", "TypeError: sequence item 1: expected str instance, bytes
> found"], "stdout": "\\\\nChecking configuration status...\\\\n\\\\nCurrent
> revision of multipath.conf detected, pres
> erving\\\\nabrt is not configured for vdsm\\\\nlibvirtd socket units
> status: [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'loaded\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\'
> , \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\',
> \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\',
> \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names
> \\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}]\\\\nlibvirtd
> doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one or more of its socket units
> have been masked\\\\nlibvirt is not configured for vdsm yet\\\\nFAILED:
> conflicting vdsm and libvirt-qemu tls configuration.\\\\nvdsm.conf with
> ssl=True requires the following changes:\\\\nlibvirtd.conf: listen_tcp=0,
> auth_tcp=\\\\"sasl\\\\", listen_tls=1\\\\nqemu.conf: spice_tls=1.\\\\nlvm
> is configured for vdsm\\\\nManaged volume database is already
> configured\\\\n\\\\nRunning configure...\\\\nReconfiguration of passwd is
> done.\\\\nReconfiguration of abrt is done.\\\\nlibvirtd socket units
> status: [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'loaded\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}]\\\\nlibvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one
> or more of its socket units have been masked\\\\nlibvirtd socket units
> status: [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'loaded\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
> \\'masked\\'}]\\\\nlibvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one
> or more of its socket units have been masked\\\\nReconfiguration of libvirt
> is done.", "stdout_lines": ["", "Checking configuration status...", "",
> "Current revision of multipath.conf detected, preserving", "abrt is not
> configured for vdsm", "libvirtd socket units status: [{\\'Names\\':
> \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
> \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
> \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
> \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
> \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}]", "libvirtd
> doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one or more of its socket units
> have been masked", "libvirt is not configured for vdsm yet", "FAILED:
> conflicting vdsm and libvirt-qemu tls configuration.", "vdsm.conf with
> ssl=True requires the following changes:", "libvirtd.conf: listen_tcp=0,
> auth_tcp=\\\\"sasl\\\\", listen_tls=1", "qemu.conf: spice_tls=1.", "lvm is
> configured for vdsm", "Managed volume database is already configured", "",
> "Running configure...", "Reconfiguration of passwd is done.",
> "Reconfiguration of abrt is done.", "libvirtd socket units status:
> [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}]",
> "libvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one or more of its
> socket units have been masked", "libvirtd socket units status:
> [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
> {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}]",
> "libvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one or more of its
> socket units have been masked", "Reconfiguration of libvirt is done."]}',
> 'counter': 40, u'pid': 31685, u'created': u'2020-01-27T13:25:25.683262',
> 'end_line': 35, 'runner_ident': '5b95ec42-4108-11ea-8afe-001a4a16027a',
> 'start_line': 34, u'event_data': {u'play_pattern': u'all', u'play': u'all',
> u'event_loop': None, u'task_args': u'', u'remote_addr': u'
> didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com', u'res': {u'stderr_lines':
> [u'Error:  Traceback (most recent call last):', u'  File
> "/usr/bin/vdsm-tool", line 209, in main', u'    return
> tool_command[cmd]["command"](*args)', u'  File
> "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/__init__.py", line 40, in
> wrapper', u'    func(*args, **kwargs)', u'  File
> "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/configurator.py", line 149, in
> configure', u'    service.service_start(s)', u'  File
> "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-

The exception seems to be cut somehow, but anyway Marcin, could you please
take a look?

> [Mon Jan 27 15:25:25.693655 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 30029]
> cb_event_handler event_data={u'event': u'playbook_on_stats', u'uuid':
> u'2c8d843c-c1ad-41c0-940e-88354387b725', 'stdout': u'\\r\\nPLAY RECAP
> *********************************************************************\\r\\
> ndidi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com : ok=11   changed=0
>  unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0
> \\r\\n', 'counter': 41, u'pid': 31685, u'created':
> u'2020-01-27T13:25:25.688541', 'end_line': 39, 'runner_ident':
> '5b95ec42-4108-11ea-8afe-001a4a16027a', 'start_line': 35, u'event_data':
> {u'ignored': {}, u'skipped': {u'didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com':
> 1}, u'ok': {u'didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com': 11},
> u'artifact_data': {}, u'rescued': {}, u'changed': {}, u'pid': 31685,
> u'dark': {}, u'playbook_uuid': u'ff508986-9930-47a2-b17b-61a2f2dae905',
> u'playbook': u'ovirt-host-deploy.yml', u'failures': {u'
> didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com': 1}, u'processed': {u'
> didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com': 1}}, u'parent_uuid':
> u'ff508986-9930-47a2-b17b-61a2f2dae905'}
> If I now manually run on the host 'vdsm-tool configure --force', it does
> not fail.
> I am now going to try deploy again after reverting to a snapshot I took
> before deploy.
> Best regards,
> --
> Didi
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Martin Perina
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Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
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