On 1/28/20 5:11 PM, Michal Skrivanek wrote:

On 28 Jan 2020, at 16:14, Martin Perina <mper...@redhat.com <mailto:mper...@redhat.com>> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 9:58 AM Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com <mailto:d...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    Tried yesterday to deploy hosted-engine on current master
    snapshot, it failed during host-deploy. host-deploy log ends with:

    2020-01-27 15:25:11 IST - TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-vdsm :
    Reconfigure vdsm tool] **************************

    /var/log/messages on the host has:

    Jan 27 15:25:24 didi-centos8-host python3[12352]: detected
    unhandled Python exception in '/usr/bin/vdsm-tool'

    /var/log/httpd/ansible_runner_error_log on the engine has (I have
    to get used to searching there, grepped all of /var/log to find it):

    [Mon Jan 27 15:25:25.692397 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 30029]
    cb_event_handler event_data={u'event': u'runner_on_failed',
    u'uuid': u'874e5fcc-12e8-419c-b010-d958adfc4aec', 'stdout':
    u'fatal: [d
    <http://idi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com>]: FAILED! =>
    {"changed": true, "cmd": "vdsm-tool configure --force", "delta":
    "0:00:15.833532", "end": "2020-01-27 15:25:25.296212", "msg":
     return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2020-01-27 15:25:09.462680",
    "stderr": "Error:  Traceback (most recent call last):\\\\n  File
    \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 209, in main\\\\n    return
     tool_command[cmd][\\\\"command\\\\"](*args)\\\\n  File
    line 40, in wrapper\\\\n    func(*args, **kwargs)\\\\n  File \\\\"/u
    line 149, in configure\\\\n    service.service_start(s)\\\\n
     File \\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/service.py\\
    \\", line 193, in service_start\\\\n    return
    _runAlts(_srvStartAlts, srvName)\\\\n  File
    line 172, in _runAlts\\\\n    \\\\
    "%s failed\\\\" % alt.__name__, out,
    err)\\\\nvdsm.tool.service.ServiceOperationError: <exception
    str() failed>\\\\n\\\\nDuring handling of the above exception,
    another exception occurred:\\
    \\n\\\\nTraceback (most recent call last):\\\\n  File
    \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 224, in <module>\\\\n  
     sys.exit(main())\\\\n  File \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line
    214, in main\
    \\\n    print(\\'Error: \\', e, \\'\\\\\\\\n\\',
    file=sys.stderr)\\\\n  File
    line 75, in __str__\\\\n    return \\'\\\\\\\\n\
    \'.join(s)\\\\nTypeError: sequence item 1: expected str instance,
    bytes found", "stderr_lines": ["Error:  Traceback (most recent
    call last):", "  File \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 209,
     in main", "    return
    tool_command[cmd][\\\\"command\\\\"](*args)", "  File
    line 40, in wrapper", "    func(*args, **kwargs
    )", "  File
    line 149, in configure", "  service.service_start(s)", "  File
    tool/service.py\\\\", line 193, in service_start", "    return
    _runAlts(_srvStartAlts, srvName)", "  File
    line 172, in _runAl
    ts", "    \\\\"%s failed\\\\" % alt.__name__, out, err)",
    "vdsm.tool.service.ServiceOperationError: <exception str()
    failed>", "", "During handling of the above exception, another
    occurred:", "", "Traceback (most recent call last):", "  File
    \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line 224, in <module>", "  
     sys.exit(main())", "  File \\\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\\", line
    214, in
     main", "    print(\\'Error: \\', e, \\'\\\\\\\\n\\',
    file=sys.stderr)", "  File
    line 75, in __str__", "    return \\'\\\\\\\
    \n\\'.join(s)", "TypeError: sequence item 1: expected str
    instance, bytes found"], "stdout": "\\\\nChecking configuration
    status...\\\\n\\\\nCurrent revision of multipath.conf detected, pres
    erving\\\\nabrt is not configured for vdsm\\\\nlibvirtd socket
    units status: [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    , \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names
    \\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}]\\\\nlibvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation

This is untrue now, *if* you are sure you’re using advanced virt repo and installed libvirt/qemu from there. Can you confirm? Also, the detection/handling is only fixed in vdsm since last Thu, not in any build (only the tag from today has it, or nightly)
Can you confirm?
+1 with Michal here - this should never happen in real life scenarios.
The most important thing to notice in the log is this part:

libvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket activation - one or more of its socket 
units have been masked

As you rightly noticed in the other devel thread ("Task Start and enable services failed to execute"),
libvirt's socket units are masked by libvirt itself in an upgrade scenario:

- you have old libvirt and vdsm installed
- vdsm configures libvirt to pass the "--listen" flag to the daemon
- you upgrade libvirt and vdsm to a version that uses socket activation
- libvirt installation scripts notice the "--listen" flag and respect it by disabling
  its own socket activation mechanism, which is done by masking sockets
- new vdsm version is lost - it sees that there's a new libvirt version that
  uses socket activation (because the socket units are there), but they've
  been masked in the meantime

We don't support upgrade path by design.
Current vdsm versions require libvirt >= 5.6 - versions that have socket activation [1].

There are indeed some leftovers in 'vdsm-tool' that were trying to handle both scenarios, but again - no upgrade paths. 'vdsm-tool' should work for fresh installations without any issues.

[1] https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/blob/c2735bec16586e1ad2d0ac0242839bfa0e35b4ec/vdsm.spec.in#L225

    - one or more of its socket units have been masked\\\\nlibvirt is
    not configured for vdsm yet\\\\nFAILED: conflicting vdsm and
    libvirt-qemu tls configuration.\\\\nvdsm.conf with ssl=True
    requires the following changes:\\\\nlibvirtd.conf: listen_tcp=0,
    auth_tcp=\\\\"sasl\\\\", listen_tls=1\\\\nqemu.conf:
    spice_tls=1.\\\\nlvm is configured for vdsm\\\\nManaged volume
    database is already configured\\\\n\\\\nRunning
    configure...\\\\nReconfiguration of passwd is
    done.\\\\nReconfiguration of abrt is done.\\\\nlibvirtd socket
    units status: [{\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}]\\\\nlibvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket
    activation - one or more of its socket units have been
    masked\\\\nlibvirtd socket units status: [{\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}]\\\\nlibvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket
    activation - one or more of its socket units have been
    masked\\\\nReconfiguration of libvirt is done.", "stdout_lines":
    ["", "Checking configuration status...", "", "Current revision of
    multipath.conf detected, preserving", "abrt is not configured for
    vdsm", "libvirtd socket units status: [{\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}]", "libvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket
    activation - one or more of its socket units have been masked",
    "libvirt is not configured for vdsm yet", "FAILED: conflicting
    vdsm and libvirt-qemu tls configuration.", "vdsm.conf with
    ssl=True requires the following changes:", "libvirtd.conf:
    listen_tcp=0, auth_tcp=\\\\"sasl\\\\", listen_tls=1", "qemu.conf:
    spice_tls=1.", "lvm is configured for vdsm", "Managed volume
    database is already configured", "", "Running configure...",
    "Reconfiguration of passwd is done.", "Reconfiguration of abrt is
    done.", "libvirtd socket units status: [{\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}]", "libvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket
    activation - one or more of its socket units have been masked",
    "libvirtd socket units status: [{\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-tls.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'loaded\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-tcp.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd-ro.socket\\',
    \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'}, {\\'Names\\':
    \\'libvirtd-admin.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\': \\'masked\\'},
    {\\'Names\\': \\'libvirtd.socket\\', \\'LoadState\\':
    \\'masked\\'}]", "libvirtd doesn\\'t use systemd socket
    activation - one or more of its socket units have been masked",
    "Reconfiguration of libvirt is done."]}', 'counter': 40, u'pid':
    31685, u'created': u'2020-01-27T13:25:25.683262', 'end_line': 35,
    'runner_ident': '5b95ec42-4108-11ea-8afe-001a4a16027a',
    'start_line': 34, u'event_data': {u'play_pattern': u'all',
    u'play': u'all', u'event_loop': None, u'task_args': u'',
    u'remote_addr': u'didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com
    <http://didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com>', u'res':
    {u'stderr_lines': [u'Error:  Traceback (most recent call last):',
    u'  File "/usr/bin/vdsm-tool", line 209, in main', u'  return
    tool_command[cmd]["command"](*args)', u'  File
    "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/__init__.py", line
    40, in wrapper', u'    func(*args, **kwargs)', u'  File
    line 149, in configure', u'  service.service_start(s)', u'  File

The exception seems to be cut somehow, but anyway Marcin, could you please take a look?

    [Mon Jan 27 15:25:25.693655 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 30029]
    cb_event_handler event_data={u'event': u'playbook_on_stats',
    u'uuid': u'2c8d843c-c1ad-41c0-940e-88354387b725', 'stdout':
    u'\\r\\nPLAY RECAP
    <http://ndidi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com> : ok=11  
    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=1    rescued=0
       ignored=0 \\r\\n', 'counter': 41, u'pid': 31685, u'created':
    u'2020-01-27T13:25:25.688541', 'end_line': 39, 'runner_ident':
    '5b95ec42-4108-11ea-8afe-001a4a16027a', 'start_line': 35,
    u'event_data': {u'ignored': {}, u'skipped':
    <http://didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com>': 1}, u'ok':
    <http://didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com>': 11},
    u'artifact_data': {}, u'rescued': {}, u'changed': {}, u'pid':
    31685, u'dark': {}, u'playbook_uuid':
    u'ff508986-9930-47a2-b17b-61a2f2dae905', u'playbook':
    u'ovirt-host-deploy.yml', u'failures':
    <http://didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com>': 1},
    u'processed': {u'didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com
    <http://didi-centos8-host.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com>': 1}},
    u'parent_uuid': u'ff508986-9930-47a2-b17b-61a2f2dae905'}

    If I now manually run on the host 'vdsm-tool configure --force',
    it does not fail.

    I am now going to try deploy again after reverting to a snapshot
    I took before deploy.

    Best regards,
-- Didi
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Martin Perina
Manager, Software Engineering
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
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