Hey Adam!

Am Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 02:09:52PM -0800 schrieb Adam Hunt:
> The other day I ran across a few Atmel Raven[0] development boards that I'd
> forgotten I had (it never ceases to amaze the amount of random electronics I
> own and have completely forgotten about).

Sounds familiar. ;-)

> It got me thinking, now that heavy lifting of porting RIOT ​ to its
> first 8 bit micro and running on the Arduino Mega with its ATmega2560 how
> small of an ​ micro​ would it be possible to port RIOT to?

In principle, I would guess that this is possible.

> ​A quick look at the data sheets seems to show
> ​that the ​​ 1284P ​ and its much larger cousin,
> the​ 2560 ​ are quite similar.

>         1284P | 2560 | 3290P
> --------------|------|-------
> Flash:   128  | 256  | 32
> SRAM:    16   | 8    | 2
> MHz:     16   | 20   | 20
> EEPROM:  4096 | 4096 | 1024
> Max I/O: 86   | 32   | 69

Knowing that the 2560 is working somehow, this looks promising for the 1284P:
RAM is usually a bigger issue than ROM.
> ​The 3290 is a little on the small side but I wonder if someone could cram
> RIOT in there. Is it possible to build RIOT without a networking stack; how
> much could that reduce the memory footprint? What are RIOT's hardware
> requirements? The homepage says the minimum RAM is about 1.5k and 5k of
> ROM, are those numbers still accurate?

These numbers were taken from the output of size [1] for a TI MSP430 (and thus
a 16bit) platform. A quick check for the MSB-430 platform revealed, that this
would still hold more or less. For the default example (which is a basic RIOT
application without network stack) you'll have about 17k ROM and 1.5k RAM (I
think the numbers were taken for hello-world, where it is 7.9k ROM and 1.2k

For the ATmega2560 it shows 16.1k ROM and 2.1k RAM for default and 8.8k ROM
and 1.3k RAM for hello-world. So, even the 3290P might be feasible for some
constrained application.

> There's already a driver for for Atmel's AT86RF231 in the tree and while
> the AT86RF230 on the Raven boards are nearly the same the 230 lacks a
> couple minor features, namely a crypto processor and RNG. So, the RF link
> would be wide open but for experimentation and learning sacrifices are
> often necessary.

As far as I know there were some considerations and work done towards a
generic AT86RF23x or even AT86RF2xx driver. Thomas, am I right?


[1] https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/binutils/size.html
printk("CPU[%d]: Sending penguins to jail...",smp_processor_id());

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