Hi Alexis,

You don't necessarily need to implement everything from scratch.
Maybe you can find parts of the BLE stack implemented under a
compatible license somewhere.


Am 16. März 2015 10:13:15 MEZ, schrieb Alexis DUQUE <alexis...@gmail.com>:
>HI RIOT Developers !
>I'm Alexis, from Lyon, France, student in Telecom Engineering.
>I'm fond of IoT, embedded development, FOS Projects,  and
>I'm currently doing a master thesis in Barcelona, wich focus on Thread
>http://www.threadgroup.org/) protocols stack.
>I will be really interested to take part of RIOT community as
>starting working on BLE Project.
>Even if I've no experience with RIOT development (I just use it on
>, I well know BLE at different level of the stack : I've worked on
>nrf1822 eval board, nrf8001 with Arduino, Android API, and Bluez driver
>Unix system.
>Obviously, I'm familiar with C/C++ and embedded development, on
>platforms such as Arduino, STM32L0, MSP430 or M2M Gateways (arm poky
>toolchain with Yocto builded distro).
>As this is just an introduction and presentation post, I've not yet
>technical questions (but they will come :-) ) But if can someone
>me the community, core developers, processes, to know you a bit more,
>will be great !
>Some questions: When are next virtual meeting, or call (18/03) ? the
>Hack'n'ACK (26/03)?
>Who is the potential mentor for N1 BLE project (or the dev that best
>RIOT network implementation) ?
>In my point of view, implementing complete BLE stack is a huge work for
>month project. What do you think about that ? Which is the priority
>(central, peripheral roles) ? For you, what's better for the community
>unachieved work on bigger project, or reduced but well tested and
>documented keys functionalities ?
>To conclude, I've participated (with success :-)) on GSoC2014 with
>OpenMRS (
>openmrs.org) on Atlas project. And I'm currently the lead dev and
>maintainer of OpenMRS Atlas server (atlas.openmrs.org), and OpenMRS
>Module (https://dev.openmrs.org/#/show/atlas/).
>Alexis DUQUE
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