Hi Kaspar!

> int ng_netapi_send(kernel_pid_t pid, ng_pktsnip_t *pkt);
> If we omit the messaging, and the pktbuf dependency, it is not "netapi"
> anymore.

For me netapi are basically four functions send(), set_receive_cb(), get() and
set(). This can be implemented as wrapper functions around IPC (as in the
nameless stack) or as direct function calls.
> Also, the default stack's whole design is based on threads passing
> messages containing pktsnips. Changing that would change the whole concept.

And nobody wants to do this.

> Applications now should be written in a network stack agnostic way.
> So if the stack implementor decides to go for the benefits of having
> clear module seperation and flexibility through using messages and
> threads, that still shouldn't force our application interfaces to that
> decision.


The problem with token ring jokes is you need to wait your turn to laugh

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