Hi Oleg,

I understand and tried what you said. The problem I faced for a long time is 

txtsnd: I cannot set the interface, if I use tap0, which will echo: error: 
invalid interface given. 
I found the tutorial that said using addr, but I do not have the addr command 
when I use the R21 board. 
And what is the mean for interface for txtsnd to use, if I have 
/dev/tty.usbmodem* MCU device


> On Oct 23, 2015, at 13:50, Oliver Hahm <oliver.h...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi Haoyang!
>> The problem I face now is that I want to use the embedded default network
>> stack to make two Atmel R21board to send packet with each other through RF,
>> before I implemented the a new protocol on Network stack. Do you have any
>> experience about that? I did not find many resources online.
> I'm not sure, if I understand your question correctly: by "embedded default
> network stack" you mean RIOT's default stack aka gnrc stack? If the answer is
> yes, than just take a look at the default example I mentioned in the previous
> mail (it has a README and the shell has an online help), flash it to two nodes
> and play around by sending messages over the link layer using the `txtsnd`
> command.
> Cheers,
> Oleg
> -- 
> The problem with a SQL security joke is that Sony don't get it.
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