2015-11-04 16:31 GMT+01:00 Baptiste Clenet <bapcle...@gmail.com>:
> Oleg, where did RIOT find those values for CPUID:
> #define SAMD21_CPUID_WORD0 (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x0080A00C)
> #define SAMD21_CPUID_WORD1 (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x0080A040)
> #define SAMD21_CPUID_WORD2 (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x0080A044)
> #define SAMD21_CPUID_WORD3 (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x0080A048)

My bad, I didn't see it was addresses corresponding to the serial
number of the board!

> Basically, if I fill the CPUID with my new EUI64 (in correct order) at
> boot time (before reset at86rf2xx), it will update all iface values (I
> tried it) or I should edit cpuid_get as I want.
> Last question, I saw that RIOT automatically edits the universal/local
> (U/L) flag (bit 7) in the OUI portion
> Long HWaddr: 5a:5a:XX
> inet addr fe80::585a:XX
> If I've got a global EUI64, not local, how should I proceed to tell
> RIOT to not create local address? Or did I misunderstand something?
> Baptiste
> 2015-11-04 11:40 GMT+01:00 Baptiste Clenet <bapcle...@gmail.com>:
>> Thanks Oleg, I will have a look at it.
>> 2015-11-04 10:05 GMT+01:00 Oleg Hahm <oliver.h...@inria.fr>:
>>> Baptiste,
>>>> I wanted to update all ifconfig (Pv6 link-local address, Short
>>>> address, Long HW address) information from a new EUI-64.
>>>> I see that it's what RIOT does at build time then. So I should edit
>>>> the EUI64 before IPV6-link-local address is calculated. What should I
>>>> edit?  (and where in Riot source code)
>>> take a look at, e.g.
>>> https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/blob/master/drivers/at86rf2xx/at86rf2xx.c#L124
>>> Cheers,
>>> Oleg
>>> --
>>> Chuck Norris has only one OSI layer - Physical
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>> Baptiste
> --
> Baptiste

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