Hi all,

I want to give my opinion on the discussions that happened here in Berlin regarding the build system evolution.
And also, choose the direction for next development steps.

# Laze presentation #

Kaspar presented his new tool that replaces the current Make based build system based on a custom python software reading the configuration and generating `ninja` files to builds.
It uses YAML description for modules, application, and toolchain elements.


* The YAML description is a good direction into what I need as a "descriptive language" for the modules. * Using a meta build-system, removes the need to parse all the configuration from scratch each times an application is build which is a static time consumption for CI.
 It could be done in make but may be more cumbersome to write and maintain.
* Refined module build configuration to only show the needed flags and dependencies, it will help a lot for caching.
* I love python.


* Python is not a build system language, so not designed to do 'targets' generation but more executing commands after the other. * Introducing our own custom build language framework instead of using an existing one, so a non standard tool. * The build system implementation (how to parse yaml files, generate build rules), is not separated from the laze tool itself, so hard to have the implementation stored in the repository while having a generic tool installed globally. * Many argument are based on speed, but the speed improvement are not all a result of using 'laze' only, but cleaning up concepts in general.

# Criticism of the current make build system #

However, I agree that our current build system has a lot of flaws that I would like to see solved.

* Its necessary to run `make clean` all the time because there are changes that do not correctly trigger rebuild, so you are never sure * The module definition/configuration is not structured and descriptive so is problematic to provide finer granularity module building, all modules see all CFLAGS, INCLUDES, and included modules MODULE_ macros.     * Its now impossible to cache results between applications as they are done with different config. * Not all dependencies are explicitly described, so hard to understand the optional dependencies, the dependencies on interface, dependencies depending on configuration. This would also help refining module build configuration. * Our current build system only takes care of building one application for one board. For the CI and maintainers, when building several targets, they must re-execute make from scratch for each configuration. * And the initial  tool checking, is it linux, modules discovery, should be done every time. And this really adds up on many targets builds     * It can only be solved correctly by first having structured module description as you can parse it once and apply it to different configurations * There is no support for building in a common build directory so it takes a lot of space and also rebuilds multiple time the same thing.     * It currently makes no sense, as module have different configurations, but after fixing the previous issues, one built module configuration could be shared between different apps, saving space and compile time.

# Next steps together #

To go forward and use what he developed as a possible solution, I proposed to start a documentation phase, on both his new system + YAML module format, and on what and how things are currently done in the build system. Adding user and developer documentation for the current system would fill the lack of documentation and also help describing all the currently existing features, show the problems, find forgotten requirements. And documenting his description format and his tool could show what are the benefits of his choices and also the tradeoffs.

One of my question is, is it interesting to integrate some changes in the current make system, like some early module description, even if replaced later by another build system ?

I will open issues on github to follow the next steps.


On 01.12.2017 10:49, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:
Hi Matthias,

On 12/01/2017 10:29 AM, Matthias Waehlisch wrote:
When are you gonna take a look at my ninja-based build system? It
solves 1-3 quite nicely, and more. You could save a lot of time.


Don't expect a nice out-of-the-box experience (yet).

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