Dear RIOTers,

in the continuous efforts to improve the quality of the RIOT OS software, our group in Hamburg put recent efforts in improving automated testing.

One focal task was to introduce Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing as a standard nightly procedure exposing an (increasing) number of boards to an (increasing) number of tests. As of today, I2C and UART are deployed, but we hope to grow test coverage quickly with your help.

While developing test strategies, we identified a lack of an expressive testing framework. Along this line, we investigated Pytest and Robot Framework. Current discussions on GitHub indicate that Robot is the advanced choice for reasons documented in

This work raised several areas of discussion on which we want to solicit your feedback and rough consensus of the RIOT community:

*HiL Testing:*

The nightly HiL testing is deployed and displayed here: (click on "HIL test results"). The corresponding PR on I2C testing is

*Choice of Framework:*

A comparison of frameworks and an initial discussion has been started. Please provide your feedback and comments here:


The initial presentation was chosen to support a quick overview, but allow for a detailed exploration of tests and results on the Web. It certainly can be improved. Please provide your feedback and comments here:

Many thanks for your input - and keep RIOTing!


Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Schmidt
° Hamburg University of Applied Sciences                  Berliner Tor 7 °
° Dept. Informatik, Internet Technologies Group   20099 Hamburg, Germany °
°      Fon: +49-40-42875-8452 °

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