On 10/21/2015 09:00 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:

On 21/10/15 14:56, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:
On 10/21/2015 08:24 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:

On 21/10/15 14:13, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:
Thanks for the reply.

On 10/21/2015 01:50 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:

On 20/10/15 16:02, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:

As far as I can tell this would only occur if the caller of pthread_mutex_lock 
was in a
state. I don't believe it is in an interrupt context, and don't know what other 
bad states
could exist.

We have

#define _CORE_mutex_Check_dispatch_for_seize(_wait) \
   (!_Thread_Dispatch_is_enabled() \
     && (_wait) \
     && (_System_state_Get() >= SYSTEM_STATE_UP))

What is the thread dispatch disable level and the system state at this point?

In case the thread dispatch disable level is not zero, then something is 
probably broken
in the
operating system code which is difficult to find. Could be a general memory 
too. Which RTEMS version do you use?

The thread dispatch disable level is usually -1 or -2.

A negative value is very bad, but easy to detect via manual instrumentation 
(only an hand full
of spots touch this variable) or hardware breakpoints/watchpoints. Looks the 
rest of
_Per_CPU_Information all right?

It looks like it's only the thread_dispatch_disable_level that's broken.

We'll go and grep for all places for all the places it's touched, and look for 

The problem with watchpoints is they fire exceptionally often, and putting in a 
watchpoint slows the code to a crawl, but that may be worth it.

Here are some printouts of the relevant structs right after a crash:

$4 = {
  cpu_per_cpu = {<No data fields>},
  isr_nest_level = 0,
  thread_dispatch_disable_level = 4294967295,
  executing = 0xc01585c8,
  heir = 0xc0154038,
  dispatch_necessary = true,
  time_of_last_context_switch = {
    sec = 2992,
    frac = 10737447432380511034
  Stats = {<No data fields>}

No, this doesn't look good. According to the stack trace you are in thread 
context. However, we
have executing != heir and dispatch_necessary == true. This is a broken state 
itself. I guess,
something is wrong with the interrupt level so that a context switch is 
blocked. On ARMv7-M
this is done via the system call exception.

This is a bit beyond my RTEMS knowledge. What would you advise looking into?
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