You can run the test suite on Qemu using the lm3s6965 BSP (you need Qemu patches, see source directory of the BSP). I did run the tests and it looks good.

On 22/10/15 20:37, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:
I think I may have some information that's actually useful.

I've managed to actually execute some tests.... and lots of them are failing.

sp01 and sp02 fail quite quickly, as an assertion fails.

assertion "first != _Chain_Tail( &ready_queues[ index ] )" failed: file "../../cpukit/../../../stm32f7x/lib/ include/rtems/score/schedulerpriorityimpl.h", line 166, function: _Scheduler_priority_Ready_queue_first

This failure is common to many of the failed tests so far. What does this mean?

The ready queue is empty. This must never happen.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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