----- Original Message -----
Cc: "Egbert Eich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice

> > From: Egbert Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:10:14 +0100
> > Subject: Re: [Devel] Re: Another voice
> > -----
> > Matt Wilson writes:
> >  >
> >  > I'm not attempting to bully anyone, nor have I argued that you or any
> >  > other member (individual or corporate) of XFree86.  However, there
> >  > plenty of volunteers that are offering to set up and maintain a bug
> >  > tracking system for you.  I think that such a project would be much
> >  > more successful if it were endorsed by XFree86 and integrated into
> >  > development policy for the project.
> >  >
> Matt, I'm *very* uncomfortable with saying a bug tracking system should
> policy for any project unless/until a project has a pretty universal
> buy in that it should be that way.  We're a *very* long way from that
> >
> > Sorry, this is not how it goes. We won't be willing
> > to adopt anything blindly. There is a German saying
> > applying here:
> > 'Never buy a cat in the bag!'
> >
> > 1. First there should be a proposal
> Seems like that's what some of us have been making, though we haven't
> fleshed it out completely yet.  Without discussion, it is difficult
> to make it concrete.  Ergo, the discussion.
> > 2. Secondly there should be a test implementation
> >    as proof of concept we can work with and see
> >    how well it goes.
> Entirely agree.
> > 4. Thirdly this should be evaluated
> >     - if we think it is usable at all.
> >     - what modifications we would like to see.
> Entirely agree.
> > 5. The modified system needs to get retested and reevaluated.
> Entirely agree.
> > 6. This is the earliest stage we can talk about a more or
> >    less formal policy.
> Entirely agree.  Any policy, however, can/should only occur if there is
> nearly complete consensus.  We're a long way from that, if ever.
> >
> > Up to now it is not even clear who should be able to
> > submit to this bug tracking system:
> Very good questions on which multiple opinions are solicited.
> > Should it be internal only?
> > Should only projects like GNOME, KDE etc and
> > distributions like RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake be able to
> > submit bugs?
> > Or should it be open to the general public?
> >
> I personally argue for openness, with a couple major caveats:
> o The verbiage around bug submission should be carefully crafted to
> try to help with the triage process between projects (e.g.
> if your server crashes, its definately an XFree86 bug; if it is bad
> rendering, asking people to verify it is specific to a particular
> piece of hardware, else report to the appropriate project's bug system,
> and so on.
> o the states of a bug inside the database allow for triage, with
> states like "bug verified", duplicate, etc.  I suspect/expect many
> might ignore problems until they've been marked verified.  That's the
> of a triage process: to bounce the problem the right direction so that not
> all bugs get looked at by all people (or no people).
> One could go through an evolutionary process, from developers, to invited
> others, to fully open.
> The question still is: is there enough interest among the developer
> to it be worth the investment to get it set up?  If no-one is going to use
> it, why bother?  On the other hand, if enough of us say, as I do, that
> we're dropping too many problems on the floor and such a system might
> be useful if it gets established correctly, I think there is enough
> resources to start getting it set up.  But those resources should go
> elsewhere if there is no interest.

And who would determine the 'no interest'?.  Is this mutual or some arbitary
self-appointed person?


>                            - Jim
> --
> Jim Gettys
> Cambridge Research Laboratory
> HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
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