On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, David Dawes wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 01:03:04AM -0500, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
> > * I did say it was a _difficult_ change
> >
> > * I was not planning on doing it by hand - rather making a tool that
> >   would use Imakefiles as input
> >
> > * My take on it was that at the very least it would be an interesting
> >   exercise in using autoconf. I have converted a few of my other projects
> >   to it and things do not look that bad.
> The approach I've been thinking about for a while is to replace as much
> of the .cf data as possible with auto-generated data, and then have
> imake do it's usual thing.  That would give a balance between automatic
> build configuration and compatibility with existing Imakefiles.  I think it
> would also have the advantage of being a doable task.  Imake already
> does some basic auto-detection, but it's limited and it does it every
> time it's run.  When building something large like the XFree86 tree,
> it'd be better if that auto-detection was done once and the cached data
> used for the rest of the tree.

Yep, this seems the right way to do it. Is there any way we could use
libraries already installed on the system like freetype or mesa ?


                              Vladimir Dergachev

> David
> --
> David Dawes
> Release Engineer/Architect                      The XFree86 Project
> www.XFree86.org/~dawes
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