| From: Thomas Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 03:42:35AM -0500, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:

| > Demo of bug:
| > 
| > - in an xterm running a shell, type: echo -e '\033[?1001h'
| > - click in the window
| > 
| > xterm now locks up (this is documented in ctlseqs.ms) and eats all
| > available CPU (not documented).

| hmm - running on Slackware 7.1, I don't see any CPU load.

Interesting.  I would not expect this to depend on which OS you used
(unless it was VMS -- there are #ifdefs for vms in the relevant xterm
code).  But I didn't track down all possible OS dependencies.

One possible system dependency: the echo command may not generate an
escape on your all systems.  When you run the command, the console
should show a blank like and a prompt for the next shell command.  If
you see anything on that blank line, the echo didn't generate the
sequence I intended.  When you do the mouse click, you will get a few
random characters echoed.

I just tried KNOPPIX.  It hangs burning CPU.  It uses XFree86
(Debian 4.2.1-4).

It hangs on all the Red Hats that I've tried here (7.0, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0,

I tried to install OpenBSD 3.0 to test it but wasted half a day on
installation issues I haven't solved :-)

|   I'm using
| a test-screen in vttest to exercise this feature.

Do you mean the feature of hanging, or the feature used properly?

|  But I do have a
| Redhat 8.0 for testing - will see if I can reproduce this problem there.

I suspect that any Red Hat would do.

| > Now: what about avoiding the hang altogether?  I've not understood the
| > code well enough to know what I'd do.
| > 
| > The hang is fundamental.  The xterm does not know how to act until
| > it gets the CSI...T sequence from the pty.  Perhaps a better approach
| > would be to act as if a default one had been received until the actual
| > one arrives.
| well yes - the xterm doesn't pay attention to anything else when it's in
| that mode.  That's why it's not much used.

The feature is used by the JOVE text editor.  That is how I stumbled
across this problem.

What do you think about the approach I suggested (act as if a default
CSI...T sequence had been received until the real one is)?  Perhaps
the default should only be used after some timeout.

I suspect that the CPU-burning loop happens between the sending of the
mouse message and the receipt of the CSI...T even when all is well.
If so, I'd say this is a bug too.


Hugh Redelmeier
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  voice: +1 416 482-8253

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