> My guess is that xkbcomp is failing in one case and not the other.
How can I tell? There's nothing in the log file, and I replaced
xkbcomp with a shell script that invoked the real binary and it
seems to be getting the right arguments. But no matter what, the
X server that xdm is invoking is setuid root, so not matter what
tricks xdm pulls, the server should still be able to start up
correctly, or am I missing something fundamental here?

One thing of interest I did note in the log files when running
under xdm versus using startx. I get warnings from the transport
layer saying it doesn't know how to handle protocol family 0.
I am going to diagnose that particular problem later. Any other
clues you may offer, or can you educate me how to get debugging
output relating to xkb?



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