On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:42:03PM -0800, Kendall Bennett wrote:
>Hi Guys,
>One area that appears to be severely lacking for the 'new' developer is 
>guidance on how to set up the host.def file properly so that you can 
>build XFree86 successfully on your system. The default xf86site.def is a 
>good start, but it doesn't really explain things since everything is 
>essentially commented out. You don't really know what stuff you *should* 
>define to get a standard build on different systems.
>Perhaps a good start would be to have a directory with sample host.def 
>files in it, especially a good 'default' file that can be used to build a 
>complete XFree86 system on Linux and FreeBSD for instance. That is where 
>a lot of developers could really use a default they can just copy to 
>host.def and then do a 'make World'.

The general rule is "don't create a host.def file unless you find
you need to".  It follows from this that a good "default" file is
an empty one, hence the empty collection of sample host.def files :-).
If the build fails without one, it's usually a bug.

David Dawes
Founder/committer/developer                     The XFree86 Project
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