Sis wrote support for the 300 series and it works.  However, when mesa
4.x came out no one ever updated the sis dri stuff to match the new
structure.  so DRI works with the 300 if you use the mesa 3.x libs.  It
shouldn't be too hard to port the sis stuff to mesa 4.x, but there
doesn't seem to be much interest in doing so.  3D support for newer sis
boards probably won't happen cause Sis has changed their policy in
regard to giving out docs to their chips.  3D support for the older sis
boards 6326 or whatever it's called should be possible since docs are
available for that board (there was even a utah-glx driver for it), but
it needs to be written.

Hope that helps,


--- Julian Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a little confused about the status of the SiS drivers as
> described by 
> the release notes for >= 4.2.99.  It says:
> > Major SiS driver updates for some of the latest chipsets.
> Unfortunately 
> > the SiS 3D driver has had to be disabled because no one has yet
> taken up 
> > the challenge to port it to Mesa 4.x.
> I'm familiar with Thomas Winischhofer's work on getting SiS hardware 
> functioning to a moderate extent of its capability, but his page
> gives 
> the impression that SiS's policy on Linux development means that real
> 3d 
> support is probably not going to be possible in the forseeable
> future.  
> These release notes seem to indicate otherwise, e.g. that it's merely
> a 
> question of porting -- if this is the case, what exactly needs to be
> done?  
> What information on the hardware is available / still necessary?  Is
> it a 
> question of adding an SiS section to DRI?
> Regards,
> Julian
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