On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Kean Johnston wrote:

> >>I dont know when this was added, or even particularly why, but it seems
> >>wrong to me. Just because you are using GCC does NOT mean you want to
> >>use gcc -E as your CPP.

> > Yes, it does.

> Why?

> This is defining the CPP to use for porcessing Imakefile's. Many many
> UNIXes provide /lib/cpp as a general preprocessing tool. GCC or any
> other compiler is an extension package. Imake is used in environments
> outside of X11, albeit infrequently. IMHO, imake should be biased to
> using tools that are as generic as possible, not as specific as
> possible. Linux, and others, also provide /lib/cpp or /usr/bin/cpp or
> some equivalent, there is no need to use gcc -E.

> By forcing USE_CC_E in imakemdep.h, you completely eliminate the ability
> for a platform's .cf file to set the desired cpp with CppCmd. Look at
> how it is used in imahe.c, circa line 314. USE_CC_E is designed, as I
> remember and as I read the code, for systems that do NOT provide a
> suitable /lib/cpp or other preprocessor.

> I stand by that assertion I made earlier ... setting USE_CC_E just
> because of the compiler I chose is wrong. You are making global system
> decisions based on a compiler setting. Thats just plain wrong.

> > Beef up SCO's section in Imake.cf to more closely match Linux's.  Perhaps
> > this should be more globally done for any platform using GCC.

> That looks like you are fixing a bug created by a bug, not a bug created
> by a problem. You do realize that all of that trickery for Linux would
> not be needed if those lines in imakemdep.h were removed?
> > s/ deemed//.  Builds break on platforms where gcc is not the default
> > compiler.

> I dont understand how. If gcc is not the default compiler the .cf
> defines CppCmd. Thats the right place to fix it. SCO doesnt have gcc as
> its default compiler, and it works quite fine with those lines removed
> from imakemdep.h.

Different pre-processors have, in general, different pre-defines.  Using a
different pre-processor to generate Makefiles than that used to
pre-process the C source is asking for trouble (and getting it).  While
that might not be the case for SCO by some happenstance, it definitely is
on Solaris and IRIX, to name two.


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