On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Kean Johnston wrote:

> At or about line 315 or a top-of-tree config/imake/imakemdep.h there is
> code that looks like this:
> #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(USE_CC_E)
> #define USE_CC_E
> ...
> #endif

> I dont know when this was added, or even particularly why, but it seems
> wrong to me. Just because you are using GCC does NOT mean you want to
> use gcc -E as your CPP.

Yes, it does.

>                          In fact, I have just encountered a case where it
> even breaks things in unexpected ways. Here's the problem. I wanted to
> add the -mcpu=i686 -march=i586 lines to my .cf file. But gcc defines
> symbols like -D__i586__, -Di586, -D__i586 etc, which means that the
> generated Makefiles end up with -march=1 -mcpu=i686. This of course
> causes gcc to fail.

Beef up SCO's section in Imake.cf to more closely match Linux's.  Perhaps
this should be more globally done for any platform using GCC.

> Does anyone have any idea why this was deemed necessary,

s/ deemed//.  Builds break on platforms where gcc is not the default

>                                                          and would
> anyone be heartbroken if I removed that block of code?

Such a patch would be rejected.


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