On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 19:05, Carsten Haitzler wrote:

> > The current plan for addressing the second two is to do it as part of
> > the 'libic' library so the same code can be used in the X server and in
> > the software fallbacks for Cairo. I think a couple of people have taken
> > a look at doing that optimization work, though I'm not sure if anybody
> > is working on it actively at this time.
> libic? hmmm part of Xr? or Xc? i have handy code to optimize paths when you
> need it. For now it happily lurks at the bottom of all my own software
> rendering pipelines... :)

It used to be libXr depends on libXc depends on libic. But libXr and
libXc have now been merged and renamed to 'Cairo'.

The hope is certainly that we can pool knowledge to get the ultimately
fast code for each platform in libic without having to do it over
and over again in different places; right now, everybody has there
own favorite set of routines, and as fun as it is to hand-tweak
MMX and squeeze out a few extra million pixels per second 
(I have my own set of such routines around somewhere), it's not 
really efficient...


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