On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 04:53:32PM +0100, Aidan Kehoe wrote:
> Ar an 12ú lá de mí 8, scríobh Harold L Hunt II :
> > However, I wouldn't expect a lot of interest from others, as this gets
> > mentioned every so often but the person suggesting it often gives up
> > after they realize how large of a job it is.
>I would venture to say too that since the build system isn't that well
>understood by _anyone_, patches to it move to the back of the queue, and
>stay there. Cf, http://bugs.xfree86.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72 . And if attempts
>at minor patches are silently dropped, anyone whose long-term plan is to
>rework the entire build system is going to get discouraged.

Some of us do understand the build system.  Bug 72 is not really a
"minor" patch.  I replied when you posted a note to devel about it in
May, but don't recall seeing any followup from you.  As far as I'm
concerned, #72 is waiting on further input from you.

David Dawes
Founder/committer/developer                     The XFree86 Project
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