On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 03:36:09AM -0500, Warren Turkal wrote:
>As an excercise, I autotooled xrandr. It was easy for xrandr, and I expect
>it would be easy for a number of other small utility programs in the X
>distribution. The source for this experiment is located at
>http://ss.kicks-ass.org/~wt/development/xfree86-autotool/xrandr/. Are there
>any efforts to autotool X as a whole?
>If so, who do I contact?
>If not, I would like to start an effort if there is any interest upstream
>acceptance. It would definitely allow for an easier way to modularize the X

I'd personally be more interested in the more manageable exercise of
auto-generating of os.cf data and using that within the existing build
system.  Solving this should be a subset of auto-tooling the whole thing

As for upstream acceptance of a full auto-tooled solution, you can't
expect anything like a "yes" without providing detail on what would
be done, and an assessment of its impact.  Final upstream acceptance
would of course depend on the implementation meeting agreed on

David Dawes
Founder/committer/developer                     The XFree86 Project
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