On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Alex Deucher wrote:

> this is a semi-fix, but it still does not deal with monitors that have
> different DPI.  Perhaps this is something that needs to be looked at
> for xfree 5.

Almost certainly not before XFree86 v5.
Even then I don't think a solution to your "problem" is actually possible 
for Xinerama; I don't know whether it would be for MergedFB.

Xinerama *hides* the fact that there are two heads, so there is no 
way for the app to be told a different DPI debending which head it is 
currently on - what should it be told if it is on both ?

Are you sure you actually want the problem solved anyway ?
We have a laptop with a 125dpi screen and a lecture room projector
with about 8dpi.
If I were to make it run a two screen desktop, and my slide viewer
honoured the true screen DPI, on one screen 12pt letters would be
20 pixels tall, and on the other they would be about one pixel.

IMO either you want the same DPI on both screens (fake whatever
value you want with DisplaySize or X -dpi NN) or you want two
non-xinerama heads - display:0.0 and display:0.1, which allows
apps on each head to get the right answer for that screen*, and
stops the DPI changes which would occur if the window was allowed to 
move between screens.

* Ignoring <ctl><alt><+/-> mode changes.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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