On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Olivier Fourdan wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 11:06, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> > The concept of a PID however is not portable across all operating
> > systems 100%.  Also there's the issue of 16bit vs. 32bit PID, or
> > perhaps 64bit PID even.  It's also likely some OS's out there
> > don't have a concept of a PID, such as running Desqview/X on an
> > MSDOS system.  Granted, that's an unlikely scenario in modern
> > times, but I'm not sure relying on a PID being available or
> > relying on a POSIX type of OS being on the remote system is a
> > good idea.
> Well, EWMH way is better than nothing, so it's worth mentionning it.
> BTW, I might be wrong, but it seems to me that the "xkill" method, or at
> least the XKillClient() doesn't work in all cases, as the application
> (ie the process, not its window) might keep running even after the X
> connection was closed.

  Losing the client-Xserver connection is a fatal Xlib error.  While
the client can install a handler for it, the only way they can 
prevent termination by Xlib is to longjmp() out of it.  The handler
isn't intended to let you deal with the severence, but is merely
a way of telling you, "oh, by the way, we are going to call exit()
as soon as this returns so you better save anything you need to".


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