Hi A recent BIOS update on the Dell Inspiron 1100 and 5100 series laptops has updated the video BIOS to make it incompatible with XFree86. It seems that X can't allocate the memory for the new BIOS correctly. Christian Zietz has previously provided a patch for the I855 which allocated the memory. He kindly modified his patch to suit the I845, thus allowing Inspiron users to use X again. Would it be possible to include Christian's modifications in a future version of XFree86? I'm new to this list and not sure of the correct procedure for this sort of request. Links to his page and the patch are as follows: http://www.chzsoft.com.ar/845patch.html http://www.chzsoft.com.ar/845patch.tar.gz
Regards, Damien Solley -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using Linux on the Inspiron 1100: http://geocities.com/randomnumbergenerator2001/ *regularly updated* _______________________________________________ Devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel