On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> Most modern drivers currently autodetect the proper video RAM
> amount on all hardware they support.  Unfortunately, some X
> configuration tools allow users to override this option too
> easily, and if they "think" they have more video memory than they
> really do have, then they can create problems for themselves
> where those problems do not really need to exist, simply by
> incorrectly overspecifying their videoram amount, or in some
> cases underspecifying it - in particular with DRI and low memory.

> I've had various problems tracked down to people specifying this
> where they need not and should not.

> As such, I'm trying to determine which video hardware really does
> require a manually specified videoRAM setting in order for the
> card to work properly.

> My goal is to disable this option by default in drivers which
> correctly detect video memory on all supported cards, at least
> for our shipped drivers.  I've disabled this setting in our
> radeon driver for example as that driver correctly detects video
> memory on all supported hardware.

> Which other drivers might be safe candidates for this?  All
> Nvidia hardware should autodetect properly IIRC, except possibly
> a few really old cards, in which case I could modify the driver
> to only allow that option on cards that explicitly require it.
> Ditto for the mga driver.

> If people (both other developers and end users) who _require_
> the VideoRAM option in order for the proper amount of video
> memory to be useable with their card, could send me privately
> their:  "lspci -vvn" or alternatively "scanpci" output (if lspci
> isn't available to them), that would help me assess how feasible
> this would be to do.

> My end-goal here, is to determine which hardware truely requires
> the VideoRAM option, and limit the usage of that option in our
> own XFree86 packages to those specific drivers and cards to limit
> the amount of bogus incoming bug reports and end user problems
> created by unnecessary overconfiguration.  I might also add
> another option to re-enable VideoRAM override if people see cases
> where autodetection does work, but want to override it anyway,
> such as a global "AllowVideoRAMOverride" setting.  ie: user has
> card with bad videoram, but by limiting videoram to a lower
> amount they can disable the bad area of memory.

> If this is considered to be a useful thing to do in the upstream
> XFree86 as well, please let me know and I'll be sure to
> submit the end result for possible inclusion in 4.4.0.

The atimisc module has been VideoRAM specifications for a long time.  In
the case of ATI adapters at least, if the driver doesn't properly detect
video memory size, I'd consider it a bug.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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