What is funny however, is that any alternative to X, is more or less functionally useless until someone writes an X server for it for most general purpose computing.

Well, it would really only /require/ an xlib-compatable interface, but everybody seems to port XFree86 to run as a client to their window system instead. Presumably it's easier.

Benchmarks can be a useful thing to compare computer systems or
software with, but benchmarks can also be used intentionally to
highlight the best points of the system one wants to win, and
highlight the weak points of the other system.

Lies, damnn lies, and ....

In short, benchmarks and similar tests are only one thing, and the information they provide is not 100% conclusive all around in a general sense.

Benchmarking is a bit like academic tests. It proves that you're good at the benchmark, not at the task.

Not sure exactly what you're asking here.. It takes a lot for my jaw to drop though. I'm not sure XFree86, or any other computer software can make that happen though. Ok, maybe the Halflife 2 movie trailer comes close... <grin>

Heh... I found XDMCP to be pretty jaw-dropping when I started using it...

Craig Ringer

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