On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 09:45, Stjepan Stamenkovic wrote:
> I have build X from CVS with Kernel 2.6-test8 and SiS DRI (I have a SiS
> 630 with 32MB) worked quite well ... like in 4.2
> But there's still an "out of video/agp memory" Error in some
> applications (Serious Sam / some games with wine) but quake3 works quite
> well ...
> Also Blender and wings3d look somehow "different" after some time (like
> explained on winischhofer.net)
> Also at start from X I get: "agp acquire failed".
> Does somebody want perhaps a strace output form that apps?

Code could be written to deal with swapping out of the app's own memory
allocations (dealing with "out of video/agp memory" for the single app
case), but it's just a workaround for a very poor memory management
implementation.  The DRI common memory allocator has its own issues, but
it's much better overall I'd say.  The issues of backwards compatibility
requirements are enough that I don't want to spend my time on that right
now, and would rather spend it thinking about a new general memory

For you, you probably want to just figure out how to get AGP working
properly, which will be used as a fallback when you run out of card

I don't think strace output of broken apps would be useful to me.  There
are still known glean errors to be taken care of, along with trying to
get information from SiS on how to do GL_BLEND properly so that modern
games don't hit software fallbacks.  Simple demos with source are the
best way to deal with getting rendering errors fixed.  If you can come
up with those, then a fix is usually pretty quick to produce.

Eric Anholt                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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