On Sat, 17 Jan 2004, Alexander Shopov wrote:

>I am also interested whether this extension - MOX 
>http://www.techsource.com/mox.htm#x11extension has been integrated or 
>deprecated in Xfree86?

It appears that the MOX extension, is a proprietary X11 extension
which only exists in that company's X server (Tech Source), at 
least that's what I see when I read that webpage.

It has not ever been part of the official X11 standard, nor part
of the X.org sample implementation nor XFree86 implementation at
least to my knowledge, and as far as I can see from that webpage
at least, it is not open source and never was.

It has not been deprecated from XFree86, because it would have
had to at one point been included in XFree86 in order to
deprecate it, and it wasn't, so that's not possible.  ;o)

Keith Packard has been working on various X extensions lately on
freedesktop.org, including the XFIXES extension, DAMAGE
extension, and COMPOSITE extension, bits of which provide similar
functionality in the freedesktop.org kdrive xserver to what MOX
appears to do.  This functionality is not available (yet at
least) in XFree86 core X server, however it's theoretically
possible that someone could port Keith's extensions to the
XFree86 DDX in the future, once they're considered feature
complete and ready.

You may wish to investigate the freedesktop.org experimental X 
server, to see how the current development compares to MOX.  It 
might be interesting to discuss any suggestions for improvement, 
etc. on the xserver mailing list on fd.o also, as things are in 
development and not locked in stone currently, and feedback is 
always appreciated by developers.

Hope this helps.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

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