Your link isn't related.  "Overlay" in the traditional X-Window
sense of the word means that windows go into different layers and
do not clip each other.  This is a workstation feature and is
popular with the CAD and DCC folks.  XFree86 supports this type of
non-destructive overlays on the hardware that supports it (very
few).  This has nothing to do with video.

   Nearly all PC hardware has a single video (YUV) overlay engine.
Which means it not possible to display more that one overlay video
rectangle at a time.  Most hardware also has non-overlay mechanisms
for scaling and displaying YUV data, and many drivers expose
these as Xv adaptors.  For example, the driver I'm using exposes
1 overlay adaptor and 32 blit adaptors on my NVIDIA card.  If
the apps are smart enough to look for free adaptors, the first
instance will use the overlay adaptor and subsequent ones will
use the blit adaptors.


On Sat, 17 Jan 2004, Alexander Shopov wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am interested whether it is possible for multiple clients to use a 
> single overlay (possibly via the Xv extension)? I am not talking about 
> multi head video cards that have several overlays - one for each monitor 
> but instead normal cards. If one application uses Xv, does it occupy it 
> exclusively?
> I am also interested whether this extension - MOX 
> has been integrated or 
> deprecated in Xfree86?
> Best regards:
> al_shopov
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