On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 05:43:02PM -0500, David Dawes wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 12:34:17PM +0100, Gian Filippo Pinzari wrote:
> >David Dawes wrote:
> >> I don't have any objections to doing this on Linux.  As I said, we
> >> already do it on a range of other platforms and I'm not sure why
> >> Linux is something of an exception in this regard.  Does anyone
> >> have a good reason to not do this?
> >
> >In NX we use alternate versions of libX11, libXext and libXrender.
> >This is done in a way that doesn't interfere with the existing X
> >client environment, by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and, sometimes,
> >LD_PRELOAD, before running the involved application. Probably the
> >same applies to other systems built on top of X11. The use of
> >-rpath is not going to compromise this possibility and I would
> >consider this OK. Anyway, as a rule of thumb, I would prefer a
> >system where the only libraries that are used are those listed in
> >ld.so.conf. A specific application could still override the system
> >settings. Such application might wish to do so in order to
> >coexist with an alternate setup (think at two different versions
> >of KDE or GNOME installed on the same computer). Having applications
> >defaulting to a hardcoded library path could be a nightmare. I
> >would really prefer to deal with a program failing with an unre-
> >solved symbol instead of one dumping its core in the background
> >for no apparent reason.
> So long as ld.so.conf overrides the rpath (does it?) then this won't
> matter.  LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD won't work for setuid apps.
> I'd be happy to make the change for 4.4 if there is some concensus
> that it isn't a bad thing to do, and providing that ld.so.conf
> provides a mechanism for overriding the rpath.

If you do that, i can guarantee you that all distributions will patch it
to restore the previous -rpath less behavior.

I guess that -rpath is only usefull for some installation in strange
places where one doesn't want to modify the ld.so.conf file or
something, or perhaps user built libraries ?


Sven Luther
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