On Sat, 31 Jan 2004, Shaul Karl wrote:

>  Excluding Nvidia and ATI, for which I believe I know the answer, what
>manufacturers I am likely to see on ebay that:
>    1) Usually fully and freely publish the specifications of their AGP
>          hardware.

The list of vendors that freely publish their video hardware 
specifications publically and without requiring a non-disclosure 
agreement is extremely small.

>    2) Got themselves an X driver?
>As of the time of this writing,
>has the following:
>    Other (707)

"Other" is kindof vague...

>    Matrox (82)

None of Matrox's specs are public, but some where once avail
under NDA.  They no longer appear to be available from their
private developer website, unless I am looking in the wrong

>    Diamond (61) 
>    S3 (57)

Kindof vague, because Diamond didn't really produce their own 
chips, but instead produced boards which contained other people's 
chips.  You would have to know the exact model of card first.  
However Diamond bit the dust long ago (more or less) and their 
last generation of hardware is considered extremely old nowadays.  
I'm not sure what, if any of the specs are publically (and 
legally) available.

>    3DFX (51)

Voodoo 1/2/3/Banshee specs are completely public and open.  
Voodoo 4/5 were never released publically to my knowledge, but 
it would have been nice to get a copy of them even if only under 
NDA.  Nvidia bought 3Dfx's assets and is the current owner of 
those specs.

>    ASUS (29)

Does not make their own video chips, you would need to know the 
specific chip in use on a given board.

>    STB, Visiontek (21)

Does not make their own video chips, you would need to know the 
specific chip in use on a given board.

>  I am looking for a used old agp card.

I dunno if anyone has put together a web page with copies of 
legally obtained and redistributable video hardware 
specifications (or hyperlinks to them) or not, but perhaps 
someone else here knows of such a web page.  If not, you might 
want to search google though.  I know you'll find the 3dfx docs 
out there for the above mentioned cards.

Hope this helps.

Mike A. Harris

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