Partly out of curiosity and partly out of a desire for XFree86's GTK+ XInput
support, I'm trying to see how difficult/practical it would be to get the
XFree86 sunffb driver working under Solaris/SPARC.   So far, XFree86 will
simply report that it finds no screens even when using a working config file
pulled from a Debian/SPARC install, and I quickly found that gdb isn't very
helpful for stepping into the sunffb module to see what's happening.  There
seems to be some spotty documentation regarding special patches for gdb, so:

1) Are the patches available for enabling module debugging in gdb known to work
well under Solaris/SPARC?  Are there known caveats?

2) Are there recent developments regarding these patches (e.g., supporting more
recent versions of gdb, etc.)?

3) How about Sun's dbx?  I don't have a license for it , but I'm curious about
anyone's experiences with it with respect to XFree86.  I might be able to get a
60-day trial for dbx, but it would obviously be of limited use.

Also, I found that I had to disable set-uid on the XFree86 executable before
gdb would do anything meaningful (otherwise it reports errors about procfs). 
This appears to have already been reported to the gdb project, at least
according to Google Groups.


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