On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Matt Prazak wrote:

> Partly out of curiosity and partly out of a desire for XFree86's GTK+ XInput
> support, I'm trying to see how difficult/practical it would be to get the
> XFree86 sunffb driver working under Solaris/SPARC.   So far, XFree86 will
> simply report that it finds no screens even when using a working config file
> pulled from a Debian/SPARC install, and I quickly found that gdb isn't very
> helpful for stepping into the sunffb module to see what's happening.  There
> seems to be some spotty documentation regarding special patches for gdb, so:

> 1) Are the patches available for enabling module debugging in gdb known to work
> well under Solaris/SPARC?  Are there known caveats?

> 2) Are there recent developments regarding these patches (e.g., supporting more
> recent versions of gdb, etc.)?

> 3) How about Sun's dbx?  I don't have a license for it , but I'm curious about
> anyone's experiences with it with respect to XFree86.  I might be able to get a
> 60-day trial for dbx, but it would obviously be of limited use.

> Also, I found that I had to disable set-uid on the XFree86 executable before
> gdb would do anything meaningful (otherwise it reports errors about procfs).
> This appears to have already been reported to the gdb project, at least
> according to Google Groups.

The XFree86 should be debugged as root.  It is also easier to use a static
binary generated with '#define DoLoadableServer NO' in xc/config/cf/host.def.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
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XFree86 developer and VP.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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