On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 12:03:34AM +0200, Egbert Eich wrote:
>David Dawes writes:
> > 
> > My point is that this is just one example of a class of problem
> > that is not unique to the vesa driver.  Therefore solving it within
> > the vesa driver, while useful, does not solve the underlying problem.
> > Also, this class of problem is not limited to "vintage" hardware.
> > With the configuration work I'm doing, I'm interested in dealing
> > with the underlying problems.
> > 
>Right this class of problems includes all cases where drivers 
>may support a certain chipset but not the specific combination 
>of hardware found on a card - like DACs.
>In this case an automatic configuration mechanism needs to
>make decisions about a possible fallback path and this can
>only be done after PreInit() returns - like many other cases
>where a specific mode may not be supported and the configuration
>mechanism has to decide about possible tradeoffs and fallsbacks.

As I said, the latest autoconfig (version 1.2 of X-Oz automatic
configuration for XFree86) is a first cut of this, greatly improving
the fallback mechanism.

>The future may however be an automatic configuration process 
>that dynamically attempts to find the optimally possible settings.

I'm continuing to make progress on this.  It is possible to get
some way without major driver structure changes, but to do it right
will need reworking of some of the driver interfaces.  I'm not sure
yet if that will be material for XFree86 4.5 or a later release.

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