I'm the author of the little utility named i855crt.
It's basically a little 'userspace sub-driver' that works in cooperation with 
X (and eventually the fb driver) to enable CRT out on Intel 855 laptop cards.
It includes also two little patches for X to enable hw cursor on the CRT and 
to let the user choose to have xvideo on crt or LCD .
I'm interested in evaluating and discussing the possibility to have some sort 
of integration with the X driver. Some people also asked me about it.
The driver can be found on sourceforge named i855crt.
It's released under GPL, i have no idea of what differ than X licence, since 
i'm not experienced with legal stuff.
Anyway if someone is interested to discuss about it i will enjoy it.
I'm not subrisbed to the mailing list, so *please CC me*.

Andrea Merello
Devel mailing list

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