On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Marc Aurele La France wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> >  I tried tracing twm when it is drawing fonts.  I don't really
> > understand the font paths very well, but it looks like it never
> > even draws anything.  It looks like:
> >   _XomGetFontSetFromCharSet returns NULL so
> >   _XomConvert returns -1 so
> >   _XomGenericDrawString doesn't draw anything
> >   I walked through the loop in _XomGetFontSetFromCharSet.
> > There are two fontsets (ie. font_set_num = 2).  Both have only
> > one charset.  Neither matches the one passed to _XomGetFontSetFromCharSet.
> > (gdb) p font_set[0]
> > $62 = {id = 0, charset_count = 1, charset_list = 0x80910d8,
> >  font_data_count = 1, font_data = 0x80916b0,
> >  font_name = 0x8091ea0 
> > "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso88
> > 59-15", info = 0x0, font = 0x80919c0, side = XlcGL, is_xchar2b = 0,
> >  substitute_num = 1, substitute = 0x80916d0, vpart_initialize = 0,
> >  vmap_num = 0, vmap = 0x80916f0, vrotate_num = 1, vrotate = 0x8091700}
> > (gdb) p font_set[1]
> > $63 = {id = 1, charset_count = 1, charset_list = 0x80910a8,
> >  font_data_count = 1, font_data = 0x8091720,
> >  font_name = 0x8091edd 
> > "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso88
> > 59-15", info = 0x0, font = 0x8091c30, side = XlcGR, is_xchar2b = 0,
> >  substitute_num = 0, substitute = 0x8091740, vpart_initialize = 0,
> >  vmap_num = 0, vmap = 0x8091750, vrotate_num = 0, vrotate = 0x0}
> > (gdb) p  *font_set[0].charset_list
> > $72 = 0x8084848
> > (gdb) p  *font_set[1].charset_list
> > $73 = 0x8082698
> > (gdb) p charset
> > $64 = 0x8081e80
> > (gdb) p *charset
> > $65 = {name = 0x807f238 "ISO8859-1:GL", xrm_name = 1,
> >  encoding_name = 0x807f108 "ISO8859-1", xrm_encoding_name = 2, side = XlcGL,
> >  char_size = 1, set_size = 94, ct_sequence = 0x807f245 "\e(B",
> >  string_encoding = 1, udc_area = 0x0, udc_area_num = 0, source = CSsrcStd}
> > (gdb)
> >  I'm not really sure what to do with this information.
> Ummm.  See if changing line 19 of
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-15/XLC_LOCALE to read ...
>               name            ISO8859-1:GL
> ... instead of ...
>               name            ISO8859-15:GL
> ... fixes the problem.  Be mindful of tabs.

   Yes it does.  Twm has fonts again.  So does fvwm2.  Is the
locale file broken or something else that's making a bad assumption?

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