> On Nov 7, 2016, at 2:45 PM, Jorgen Lundman <lund...@lundman.net> wrote:
> Richard Elling wrote:
>> No, this is a lie. If I upload 50GB of data that compresses or dedups to 
>> 25GB, then I want to pay for 25GB.
>>  — richard
> Huh neat. So how far does it stretch though? If I have compression off, you 
> are happy. What if I use lz4, but gzip-9 would save more, should you get 
> money back? What is Super-lz4 comes out next year, should you be compensated? 
> What if I get more active and re-encode your video file with x265 and save 
> you even more money? I'm fiddling with your bits man! That's totally not cool 
> (but I'm saving you money!)
> But the best one, that confused me. We have 10G of space (actually it is free 
> space) and when customers download their 10G backup, and found it took 13G of 
> local space, they called support to complain. Seriously. Customers are funny.
> But light-heartedness aside, at the end of the day, I am not suggesting ZFS 
> change quota, I'm not even suggesting you change how you use your quota. But 
> lets talk about adding the additional feature for those who want it. I 
> certainly do not want lua in my kernel, but I'm not trying to stop the elders 
> from adding it :)
> Just because all major "cloud" storage does it the non-ZFS way, doesn't mean 
> it this way is good, or "right". But it does create a defacto standard, an 
> industry standard.

Respectfully, you’re changing the subject. We’re talking about quota, not 
Logicalreferenced is already available for billing.
 — richard

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