On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:51 AM, Josh Paetzel <j...@tcbug.org> wrote:

> Does this mean FreeBSD's zpool labelclear is proprietary to FreeBSD?
> If so I don't suppose the FreeBSD UI could be considered?

It looks like the interface proposed here is the same as the FreeBSD "zpool
labelclear", with the exception of "-ff" (which could be adopted on FreeBSD
if desired -- though I have concerns with -ff which I'll follow up on

I'd be happy consider the implications for other platforms.  Josh, did you
have something specific in mind?


> Thanks,
> Josh Paetzel
> On Apr 2, 2016, at 9:15 PM, ilovezfs <notificati...@github.com> wrote:
> @yuripankov <https://github.com/yuripankov> Yes! And combined with a
> partitioning tool you could probably turn it into a dd if=/dev/zero ...
> replacement and zero the entire device! :)
> (This is an exercise left to the reader.)
> —
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