On 03/04/2016 21:28, Josh Paetzel wrote:

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016, at 12:36 PM, Matthew Ahrens wrote:

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:51 AM, Josh Paetzel <j...@tcbug.org <mailto:j...@tcbug.org>> wrote:

    Does this mean FreeBSD's zpool labelclear is proprietary to FreeBSD?

    If so I don't suppose the FreeBSD UI could be considered?

It looks like the interface proposed here is the same as the FreeBSD "zpool labelclear", with the exception of "-ff" (which could be adopted on FreeBSD if desired -- though I have concerns with -ff which I'll follow up on separately).

I'd be happy consider the implications for other platforms. Josh, did you have something specific in mind?


*zpool*  *labelclear*  [*-f*]/device/

         Removes ZFS label information from the specified/device/.  The/device/
         must not be part of an active pool configuration.

        *-f*     Treat exported or foreign devices as inactive.

That's what FreeBSD has for a UI.

I guess what I meant by my earlier email was preserve the existing FreeBSD UI. The backend behavior isn't as important to me.

I needed this a couple of weeks back, although I wasn't sure if it would have worked in my case.

System had a failed drive, which was replaced. However, the technician swapped the wrong disk (was in a different zpool), although zfs quite happily resilvered the new drive into the pool from which the disk had been pulled as would be expected.

However, with the wrong disk having been swapped, system still had the failed drive, so another disk swap had to be performed. Trouble was, the disk which was used as the replacement was the one pulled out from another pool on the system without having been detached, and zfs wouldn't touch it because the GUID matched an active zpool.

Would the -ff get around this, i.e. clear the label of a disk which was part of an active zpool, even though it currently isn't currently one of the pool devs? (We had to use dd /dev/zero to get the disk to work.)

Andrew Gabriel

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